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تذكيره حضرت شيخ جلال الدين كتكى قدس الله سره العزيز بو ترور
رب يسّر بسم اللّه الرحمن الرحيم و تمم بالخير
الحمد اللّه رب العالمين والعاقبة للمتقين والصلواة والسلام
على رسوله محمدٍ و اله واصحابه اجمعين. امّا بعد از حمد و نعت حضرت
محمد رسول الله و اول مظهر فيوض سبحانى و مرجع فتوح ربانى صاحب الفيض والهام
قطب الأقطاب قدوس السالكين زائرالحرمين كريم الطريقين. فطراء الحق
عمرت الإسلام و المسلمين. هادى الفروع و الاصول جامع المكارم والمقبول.
مرجع الاكابر والعلماء ملازم الأعظم والفضلاء يعنى كمال الدين عرش
الدين ولى قدوس الله سره العزيزنيك تذكيره مقامات معنوى لارى دا انداغ
روايت قليب دور لار كىم: هلاكو بخارا شهرنى جافيب الدى. يته اوليانى درجهء شهادت كه
يتكوردى. بريسى حضرت فريدون عطار ولى. بريسى حضرت حافظ الدين كبير
بخارى رحمته الله عليه ايردى. حضرت خوجه حافظ الدين كبيرنىك بر اوغلانلارى
بار ايردى. اسم لارى نى مولانا جمال الدين دير ايردى. اتالارى حضرت خوجه حافظ
كبير نيك شيخ شهاب الدين اطلغ بر مريدى بار ايردى. انىك بيلان ايكولان شهرنيک دروازه سيدين
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This is a story of Hażrat Shaykh Jalāl al-Dīn Katakī (May God sanctify his dear secret!).
May the Lord be pleased In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful. and complete the good
Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, and the outcome for the righteous, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, Muhammad, and his family and all his companions.
But after the praise and epithet of Hazrat Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and the first manifestation of Fayud Subhani and Marja’ Fattouh Rabbani, the owner of the flow and inspiration, the pole of the poles, the holy of those who walk, the visitor of the two sacred places, the gracious of the two paths.
The innate truth has permeated Islam and Muslims. Hadi branches and assets, the collector of makarim and acceptable.
The reference of the great and the scholars, the lieutenant of the greatest and the virtuous, that is, Kamāl al-Dīn ʻArsh al- Dīn Walī (Holy God, his dear secret). In his legendary work, it was narrated as follows: Hulagu has overthrown the city of Bukhārā and executed seven saints. One of them was Hażrat Farīdūn ʻAṭṭār Walī, and another one was Hażrat Ḥāfiẓ al-Dīn Kabīr Bukhārī (May God have mercy on him!). Hażrat Ḥāfiẓ al-Dīn Kabīr had a son namely Mavlānā Jamāl al-Dīn. His father, Hażrat Khoja Ḥāfiẓ Kabīr had a diciple namely Shaykh Shahāb al-Dīn. Both of them escaped from the city gate.